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Al comienzo fue díficil, nunca he tenido una buena relación con mi cara o mi cuerpo, por lo que era un desafío fotografiarme y gustarme. Pero poco a poco me fui sintiendo más cómoda y fui encontrando ángulos y partes de mi cuerpo que me parecieron atractivas. Y sin darme cuenta llegué a la foto 200. Al terminar me sentí feliz y con ganas de repetirlo/At first it was difficult, I have never had a good relationship with my face or my body, so, it was a challenge to photograph me and like it. But gradually I was feeling me more comfortable and I was finding angles and parts of my body that I found attractive. Without realizing I came to the picture 200. At the end I was happy and eager to repeat.

Media index

birthplace: Santiago
occupation: Business administration
age: 26
height: 162cm
starsign: Tauro
biggest passion in my life: Mi familia, daría todo por ellos / My family, I would give up everything for them
I like to listen to: El mar, lo mejor para dormir / The sea, the best to get to sleep
I like to watch: Personas en calles transitadas / People in busy streets
I like to smell: Lavanda, me recuerda las bositas para la ropa de mi abuela / Reminds me of my grandma
I like to taste: Todos los tipos de chocolate que existen / All type of chocolate
I like to feel: Mi pelo cuando está recién lavado / My hair when is just washed
favourite part of my body: Mis manos, femeninas y masculinas a la vez / My hands, feminine and masculine at once
favourite part of someone else's body: Las caderas pronunciadas de mi hermana / The pronounced hips of my sister
Why i shot myself: Para desafiar mi inseguridad / To challenge my insecurity
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: creo que es una experiencia para todos! I think is for everyone!
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Todas las chilenas / All Chilean girls
my website/fav website: Natgeo instragram, naturaleza total / Amazing nature
Most outrageous thing I have done: Hacer mi propia exposición de fotos / My own photo exhibition
Bands I like: Juan Luis Guerra, música que me transporta al caribe / Juan Luis Guerra, music that transports me to the Caribbean
Books I like: Sidarta, el único que he conseguido terminar / Siddhartha, the only one I managed to finish
Films I like: Comedias para olvidar y "basadas en hechos reales""para aprender / Comedies to forget and "based on real events" to learn