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Quando ho deciso di partecipare a questo progetto, pensavo di vergignarmi, vedere il mio corpo nudo, in un giardino sconosciuto, voglio dire, quel corpo che faccio cosi fatica ad accettare, e quando ero li, con la macchina fotografica in mano tutto e' diventato naturale e semplice..finalmente ho visto la bellezza del mio corpo! Mi sono sentita a mio agio e mi sono veramente divertita. Sono felice e orgoglioa di quello che ho visto. Sono felice di avermi fatto questo regalo. Celebrare la mia reale bellezza, niente trucchi, bellissimo! When I decided to participate to this project, I thought to feel ashamed of me, look to my naked body, in a garden, I mean that body that was so hard to accept and when I was there, with my camera, everything became spontaneous and natural. Finally I could see the beauty of my body. I felt comfortable and I had real fun. I'm so happy to did it, to did this beautiful gift to myself. Celebrate my real beauty, with no tricks, amazing!

Media index

birthplace: Trento, Italy.
occupation: Musico/Musician.
age: 30.
height: 1.70cms.
weight: 68kgs.
relationship status: Single, but you never know...
starsign: Libra.
biggest passion in my life: people and music, always.
I like to listen to: tutta la musica antica, sono un'anima antica/all kind of old music, I'm an old soul.
I like to watch: cinema muto, perche le immagini sono piu dirette dei dialghi/silent films.
I like to smell: l'erba appena tagliata, mi ricorda a mia infanzia/grass just cut, it reminds me my childhood.
I like to taste: crunchy corn, I kind of addicted to it.
I like to feel: the wind in my face when I drive.
favourite part of my body: Le labbra sembrano un piccolo cuoricino/My lips, they look like a little heart.
favourite part of someone else's body: Le spalle mi danno un senso di protezione/Shoulders, they make me feel protected.
Why i shot myself: I want to celebrate the beauty of my body.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Nessuno/Nobody.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: I miei genitori, si divertirebbero un sacco/My parents, they would have a lot of fun.
my website/fav website: seriales.us. I can watch a lot of movies, I love movies.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Partecipare a questo progetto/Partecipate to I Shot Myself.
Bands I like: Vinicio Capossela, Musica Nuda, Freddy King.
Books I like: Seta di Alessandro Baricco. Ho sempre in testa l'immagine di quiei piccoli fiori blu tra le man
Films I like: In the Mood for Love, Beautiful Colors

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony